What Unicorn? - an hReview

What Unicorn? - an hReview

Jun 1, 2005 by adrian cuthbert Blade Runner

★★★★★ I managed to see the director's cut of this film with an individual who asked at the end 'What Unicorn?' - you know who you are!

<div class="hreview"> <h2 class="summary"> What Unicorn? - an hReview </h2> <abbr class="dtreviewed" title="20050601T2121"> Jun 1, 2005 </abbr> by <span class="reviewer fn">adrian cuthbert</span> <span class="type" style="display:none">product</span> <a href="http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0083658/" class="item url fn"> Blade Runner </a> <blockquote class="description"><p> <abbr class="rating" title="5">&#9733;&#9733;&#9733;&#9733;&#9733;</abbr> I managed to see the director's cut of this film with an individual who asked at the end <i>'What Unicorn?'</i> - you know who you are!</p></blockquote> </div>

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